- Check if your passport is still valid for at least 6 months
- An international travel insurance is highly recommended and is available for less than 20 EUR per year
- Please do not book a hotel through a tour operator like Expedia or TUI. This can lead to problems with the girl in the room
- We recommend booking hotels in Thailand through Agoda
- Study our FAQ: Frequently asked question for an adult vacation in Thailand
Pay attention to your personal hygiene and clothing. Thais are very sensitive to bad smells. So it's better to shower more than less.
Pay attention to body hygiene - Check your limit for cash withdrawals abroad. Many local house banks have strict limits
- In addition to your Maestro card, also take a credit card with you. Cash can be withdrawn in Thailand with both cards
- Be careful when withdrawing cash: In Thailand the ATMs dispense your money prior to returning your car. If the card is forgotten, the machine will suck it in
- In Thailand, please do not pay in advance, regardless of whether it is the companion's fee or other services. I always compare it with my tennis teacher, who sold training-packages of 10x at a discount at the beginning of the season. Since he had already received all of his money, he became less motivated with each training session. It is much better to pay for each training session individually.
- A reserve of cash is always good. The exchange rates are worse than with debit and credit cards, but there are no fees
What are the advantages of an adult holiday in Thailand?

Thailand has long been a popular travel destination for men from all over the world. The kingdom is known for its stunning beaches, tasty cuisine and friendly culture. However, one of the main draws for many single men is the nightlife and girls in Thailand. So why do so many men vacation in Thailand, what role do the Thai girls play and what are the advantages of Asian/Thai women over Western women?
First of all, it is important to note that Thai culture is generally very respectful of foreigners. Especially towards western men who are seen as handsome, wealthy and often highly desirable. This positive attitude towards western men is also what makes them so attractive to Thai women, while to western women they may be seen as average looking or worse.
For all the charm that Western men radiate, many Thai women are primarily looking for men to improve their quality of life and to be financially supported.
But the main reason for a men's holiday in Thailand is certainly the beauty and femininity of the Thai women. Compared to Western women, Thai women often have a more delicate and feminine appearance, with a slimmer body and a friendly smile. Many western men find Thai women more attractive than women from their own culture and appreciate their natural beauty and grace.
In addition, Thai women are often very caring and loving, which is very attractive to many western men. They tend to be very loyal and committed in relationships and are often willing to sacrifice a lot for their partners. Many western men value these qualities and are therefore looking for Thai women as partners.

Another advantage of Thai women is their openness and understanding towards western men - in contrast to many western women who are often very emancipated and have feminist views.
Thai women do not try to position themselves against men, are much more tolerant and understanding.
They often have a more traditional view of gender roles and are willing to support their husbands and help them achieve their goals.
Of course, there are also some disadvantages with Thai women, such as cultural differences, fixation on money and material goods, the importance of the often large Thai family...
With ThaiSingleReisen it's all about a some erotic and relaxing weeks with a Thai holiday companions without entering into long-term commitments. Therefore, the focus lies clearly on the advantages of Thai women mentioned above.
Guten Tag ,
werde vom 12.12.23 bis 3.1.24 Urlaub auf Phuket machen. Mein Hotel ist gebucht.Hätte für meinen Aufenthalt gerne eine Thai Frau
Können Sie mir weiterhelfen ?
Hallo Rainer,
bitte nutze für Anfragen unser Kontaktformular
Ich suche für meine Urlaub in Thailand eine deutschsprachigen Begleitung.
Ich bin 84 Jahre alt aber noch fit, spiele aktiv Tennis.
Hallo Johann,
unser ältester Gast is 94 Jahre alt.
Es ist also kein Problem.
Nutze für Anfragen gerne unser Kontaktformular:
Mit welchen Kosten muss Mann für 1 Woche Begleitung rechnen
Translated: Which costs can man expect for a one week vacation in Thailand with company?
Hallo Schmitt,
der Preis für die Begleitung wird Dir angezeigt, wenn Du die Kalendertage im Profil Deiner Wunschbegleitung markierst.
Hinzu kommen noch Nebenkosten in Thailand, die wie überall auf der Welt sehr typabhängig sind. Ein paar Beispiele geben wir hier,
Kosten und Preise – Urlaub in Thailand
Translated: Hello Smith,
the price for the Thai tour guide is shown when you mark the calendar days in the profile of your desired companion.
There are also livings costs in Thailand, which, like everywhere else in the world, depend on your habits. We give a few examples here
Costs and Prices – Holidays in Thailand